Dernière chance
Dernière chance Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 08/11/2024

Le dossier de l’intégrité territoriale s’accélère. Dans son dernier discours à l’occasion du 49e anniversaire de la Marche verte, SM le Roi Mohammed VI a... + Lire la suite...

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Water stress: The new roadmap

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6690 Le 26/01/2024 | Partager

Recent rainfall has boosted reservoir stocks, with inflows of around 646 million cubic meters from September to date. Despite this, the filling rate of dams has not exceeded 23.2%, compared with 31.7% last year. Today, water resources are estimated at 3.7 billion cubic meters, compared with 5 billion cubic meters last year.

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