Injustices Par Khalid BELYAZID
Le 02/05/2024

Ne gâchons pas la fête, surtout celle du travail. Ce 1er Mai n’a jamais été aussi sympathique; les leaders syndicaux n’ont pas eu à hurler dans les hauts-parleurs... + Lire la suite...

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Water situation: Morocco will be thirsty this summer

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6212 Le 04/03/2022 | Partager

Nizar Baraka, the Minister of Equipment and Water, has responded favorably to the invitation of the Committee on Basic Infrastructure of the House of Representatives. There is a reason for this, the theme chosen by the deputies fits perfectly with one of the hot topics of the day, namely the water deficit. This was a golden opportunity for the boss of the Istiqlal Party to settle accounts with previous governments led by the PJD party which is accused of having sacrificed the 2009-2021 National Water Strategy (NWS)...

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