Dernière chance
Dernière chance Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 08/11/2024

Le dossier de l’intégrité territoriale s’accélère. Dans son dernier discours à l’occasion du 49e anniversaire de la Marche verte, SM le Roi Mohammed VI a... + Lire la suite...

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Withholding tax rates: Controversy and Confusion

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6441 Le 27/01/2023 | Partager

Would the new withholding tax rates apply to fees and other remuneration paid to beneficiaries since January 01 even if they relate to the 2022 financial year? The answer may not be unanimous between professionals and the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI). A taste of the differences has already been given during the road show of the Director General of Taxes with the regional councils of the Association of Chartered Accountants . It is a sentence clearly mentioned in a document recently released by the DGI relating to tax measures that has caused a stir among accounting professionals...

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