Survie Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 21/02/2025

Mais où sont passés nos poissons? A l’instar des humains, la plupart ont migré à la recherche de meilleures conditions de vie. Malgré leurs différences évidentes, les... + Lire la suite...

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Automotive: Everything you need to know about NEO and HUV

Par Amin RBOUB | Edition N°:6519 Le 19/05/2023 | Partager

This week was a major turning point for the Moroccan automotive industry, which launches two promising newborns, «NEO», the first consumer brand made in Morocco, as well as a prototype of a Moroccan-initiated hydrogen vehicle called “NamX”. The preview presentation ceremony (Reveal) of the two vehicles was chaired by King Mohammed VI, on Monday, May 15, at the Royal Palace in Rabat.

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