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Textile and apparel: The integration challenge

Par Radia LAHLOU | Edition N°:6519 Le 19/05/2023 | Partager

The textile high mass ended last week on positive notes. For two days, this event, which hosted some 320 exhibitors from all sectors, received many visitors, according to the brands present who appreciated the visibility offered by this show which represented an undeniable advantage for the Moroccan brands, stars of this twentieth edition, and whose presence is beginning to intensify.


These are young brands, some of which were born just before and even during the Covid period, and whose network extends to the entire country, which finally constitutes a logical continuation, since the installation of the Marwa brand, which has long gone it alone. Emulation is such that today new emerging competitors are joining the ranks of local distribution, some even seeking to imitate the pioneer brand. This breakthrough of the local distribution network is supported by Moroccan talents from the Casa Moda Academy or the Fine Arts, or having studied abroad (especially in Turkey), and who contribute to the design of products for certain brands. However, most raw materials are still sourced abroad, which poses a challenge to the competitiveness of the textile sector. Developing the textile sector upstream in order to become more competitive is a handicap that the textile sector has clearly not yet succeeded in overcoming since the dismantling of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement and the deployment of the Asian giants, since this sector is struggling to provide the local market in terms of volume and quality products. This is evidenced by the strong presence of more than fifty Turkish exhibitors whose plethoric offering of clothing fabrics or fabrics intended for other sectors is breathtaking.

In Morocco, the orders of magnitude are different due to a positioning on fast fashion, but also due to co-contracting which requires proven know-how. While officials recognize the shortcoming of a textile upstream that is still atrophied, because it requires highly capital-intensive investments, many projects are about to emerge to strengthen this sector. In Morocco, ecological awareness, and the requirement to produce « green « has also pushed both public authorities and industries to rethink their tools and production methods to meet international demand, by acquiring certificates that are fit for this purpose. The «Dayem Morocco» vision for 2035 for the Moroccan textile sector perfectly illustrates all the major battles of the industry, both for its new sustainable positioning and for the strengthening of its upstream and downstream sections.