Enseignements Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 13/09/2024

Le Maroc, destination touristique chère? Cette rengaine a meublé toutes les discussions de la saison estivale. La rentrée étant une période propice à tirer... + Lire la suite...

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Budget extension: Where will the 12 billion Dirhams go?

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6368 Le 14/10/2022 | Partager

In four months, the government has just granted a new budget extension. The first of 16 billion Dirhams (1.6 billion USD) was devoted to Government subsidies (to basic commodities) and the news should alleviate the effects of Covid and also the rise in the price of raw materials. In total, 12 billion additional Dirhams will be granted. Of this amount, 2 billion Dirhams will go to the Moroccan Pension Fund (CMR) and 3 billion to meet urgent expenses that could arise between now and the end of the year as well as commitments made vis-à-vis teachers (1 billion Dirhams)...

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