Dernière chance
Dernière chance Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 08/11/2024

Le dossier de l’intégrité territoriale s’accélère. Dans son dernier discours à l’occasion du 49e anniversaire de la Marche verte, SM le Roi Mohammed VI a... + Lire la suite...

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Subsidizing butane gas: A taboo finally broken

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6772 Le 24/05/2024 | Partager

Gone are the 40 Dirham- (USD 4) and 10 Dirham- (USD 1) bottles of butane gas. Since Monday May 20, 2024, the Government has increased the price of 12 kg bottles by 10 Dirhams, bringing the selling price to 50 Dirhams, and that of 3.5 kg bottles by 2.5 Dirhams, raising them from 10 MAD to 12.5 MAD. The announce-ment was made via a press release from the Ministry of Finance on Sunday May 19, taking everyone by surprise.

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