Dernière chance
Dernière chance Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 08/11/2024

Le dossier de l’intégrité territoriale s’accélère. Dans son dernier discours à l’occasion du 49e anniversaire de la Marche verte, SM le Roi Mohammed VI a... + Lire la suite...

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Earthquake/Insurance: The process gets off to a slow start

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6599 Le 15/09/2023 | Partager

While waiting for the disaster zones to be specified in a decree from the Head of Government, the Moroccan Federation of Insurance Companies is inviting people insured under the compulsory catastrophic events coverage scheme to contact their brokers or insurance companies, as the number of contracts giving entitlement to compensation is large since the cover is included in several insurance policies.

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