Point d’inflexion
Point d’inflexion Par L'Economiste
Le 17/07/2024

A montée brutale de la violence politique sonne-t-elle le glas de l’idée que la démocratie offre un sentiment (réel ou fantasmé) de vivre dans des... + Lire la suite...

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Siam: An essential agricultural showcase

Par Youness SAAD ALAMI | Edition N°:6509 Le 05/05/2023 | Partager

The city of Meknes is adorned in its most beautiful finery at the International Agricultural Show in Morocco (SIAM), an essential showcase for the 1,400 exhibitors from 68 countries. Initiated under the theme “Green Generation: for sustainable food sovereignty”, the 15th Siam is deployed over an area of 18 hectares, 11 hectares of which are covered. Highly anticipated, the trade show continues until Sunday May 07 and may receive nearly a million visitors within 6 days. The United Kingdom is the country of honor for this 15th edition.

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