Hchouma Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 02/12/2024

Les générations changent, mais le risque est toujours le même. Durant les années 90 et 2000, le sida était un véritable sujet de société. En plus de la lutte contre la... + Lire la suite...

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The Ministry of Finance transfer window

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6505 Le 28/04/2023 | Partager

The Ministry of Economy and Finance continues to breathe new blood into the main depart­ments. Thus, after the General Directo­rate of Taxes, the Customs Administra­tion, and the General Secretariat of the Ministry, the process of filling vacant positions of responsibility is reacti­vated. This time, it is the turn of the Budget Directorate, of the Kingdom’s Judicial Agency, and of the Foreign Exchange Office to changes heads.

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