Tourner en rond
Tourner en rond Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 24/03/2025

Dans de diagnostics, d’études, de rapports, d’expériences pilotes… 25 ans de grandes visions et de stratégies. Ecole de l’excellence, école nouvelle, école... + Lire la suite...

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Morocco-Spain: Reunion

Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi | Edition N°:6446 Le 03/02/2023 | Partager

Rabat and Madrid want to maintain the momentum in terms of warming bilateral relations. After an episode of tension, cooperation between the two neighbors has resumed with a vengeance. The high-level meeting, which started this Wednesday in Rabat, aims to establish the strategic and dynamic partnership to which the two countries are committed following the last visit of Pedro Sanchez, President of the Spanish government. In the established roadmap, the two countries had decided to start building a new stage in their bilateral relations...

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