Tourner en rond
Tourner en rond Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 24/03/2025

Dans de diagnostics, d’études, de rapports, d’expériences pilotes… 25 ans de grandes visions et de stratégies. Ecole de l’excellence, école nouvelle, école... + Lire la suite...

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Primary residences Beware, the new system doesn’t start until July

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6446 Le 03/02/2023 | Partager

Owners who wish to sell their primary residence in the upcoming days do not have to rush to the tax authorities to seek their prior opinion. This system is not yet operational and will not be until July 1, 2023. Article 241 bis-II-C of the General Tax Code provides for a six-month “grace” period before the entry into force of the provision provided for in the 2023 Appropriations Bill, the goal being not to block transactions but to allow the tax administration to configure its information system to be able to handle future requests for prior opinion...

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