Entre-soi Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 26/07/2024

Le caractère démocratique d’un Etat suffit-il à l’absoudre de tous ses péchés? C’est ce qui se produit en ce moment avec Israël. Les dizaines de milliers de morts... + Lire la suite...

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Oil products: A stock for 30 days of consumption

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6441 Le 27/01/2023 | Partager

The stock situation in terms of energy and petroleum products is hardly flourishing. Indeed, Morocco barely has a stock of 1.9 million cubic meters of liquid petroleum products and half a million of liquefied gas, according to the latest data provided by Leila Benali during question time at the House of Councilors last Tuesday. According to the Minister for Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, the stock of petroleum products has reached nearly 30 days of national consumption...

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