PowerPoint Par Khalid BELYAZID
Le 13/05/2024

Des chiffres et des lettres. C’est une vieille émission de TV française, et une formule que M. Akhannouch a introduite au Parlement. Il devait présenter «un bilan... + Lire la suite...

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Compromised competitiveness of “national champions”

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6383 Le 04/11/2022 | Partager

When it comes to taxes, there are two ways to increase tax revenue, increase tax rates or broaden the tax base. The draft budget bill for 2023 has obviously opted for the first solution. Moreover, the upward revision of corporate tax rates is considered to be tax harassment since, once again, it has not spared the handful of companies (2%) which provide to the Treasury 80% of tax revenues generated by this tax...

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