Victimes collatérales
Victimes collatérales Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 21/05/2024

Certaines décisions sont dures à prendre, mais restent incontournables pour redresser des situations intenables. La décompensation du gaz... + Lire la suite...

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Schoolbooks, more expensive next year

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6275 Le 03/06/2022 | Partager

AT the end of a meeting held on Wednesday, May 25, the Interministerial Commis­sion on Prices at the Department of Competition, Prices and Subsidies (of the Ministry of Finance), granted schoolbook publishers an initial in­crease of 25% from the next school year. This decision comes in res­ponse to recurring complaints from publishers dating back more than six months due to the soaring price of paper on the international scene...

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