Vocation Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 04/02/2025

Et si l’esprit entrepreneurial devenait le moteur de toute la dynamique de formation? C’est l’un des maillons faibles du système éducatif. Car, en plus de booster... + Lire la suite...

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Telecoms: What are customers complaining about?

Par Amin RBOUB | Edition N°:6836 Le 30/08/2024 | Partager

With an overall customer base of 60 million fixed and mobile subscribers, the number of customer complaints and claims tended to fall in 2024. But even if the number received remains very low compared with the overall subscriber base, this does not necessarily mean that the services provided by operators have been flawless. What’s more, not all Moroccans think of filing a complaint, let alone making one.

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