Locomotive Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 06/01/2025

Son appartenance africaine, le Maroc l’a revendiquée dès son indépendance. Mais depuis, sa démarche a bien évolué. Aujourd’hui, le Royaume s’inscrit dans une posture... + Lire la suite...

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Country risk Morocco maintains its rating

Par Fatim-Zahra TOHRY | Edition N°:6795 Le 28/06/2024 | Partager

Morocco continues to demonstrate its resilience in a troubled global context. In its Country & Sector Risk Barometer (June 2024), the Coface credit insurance group has maintained a «B» rating for Morocco (reflecting a «fairly high» risk in terms of country risk assessment). The business climate is rated A4. This is equivalent to an « acceptable «level of risk. Overall,

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