Entre-soi Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 26/07/2024

Le caractère démocratique d’un Etat suffit-il à l’absoudre de tous ses péchés? C’est ce qui se produit en ce moment avec Israël. Les dizaines de milliers de morts... + Lire la suite...

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Prices hikes foster discontent

Par Amin RBOUB | Edition N°:6456 Le 17/02/2023 | Partager

An outcry has emerged among the trade union movement. A series of go-slows will soon be launched in the various cities and provinces of Morocco. This is what the Democratic Confederation of Labor (CDT) has just announced. The union also announced protest marches and sit-ins starting this Sunday, February 19. A general strike in the public service will follow, as well as a national protest march.

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