Remise à plat
Remise à plat Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 05/07/2024

Pillage des dunes, des plages et des falaises, absence de contrôle, dégradation de l’environnement,… la liste des maux qui minent la gestion des carrières de... + Lire la suite...

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“Fact-checking” to tackle “fake news”

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6456 Le 17/02/2023 | Partager

How to counter «fake news», the false information deliberately disseminated with the aim of deceiving, harming, or influencing? The Economic, Social, and Environmental Council has drawn up an opinion on “Fake news, from misinformation to access to proven and available information”, presented on Wednesday, February 15. The phenomenon is not new, but it has increased with the democratization of new information and communication tools, to such an extent that “false information circulates six times faster than the real one!”

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