Des grands, des petits et des anonymes!
Des grands, des petits et des anonymes! Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 27/09/2024

Avec la nouvelle stratégie numérique 2030, le Maroc ambitionne de devenir une «startup nation». Un axe... + Lire la suite...

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Cereal season: Free fall

Par Fatim-Zahra TOHRY | Edition N°:6324 Le 12/08/2022 | Partager

It is official: the delay in rainfall and their scarcity have had a strong impact on the 2021/2022 grain season. The final production of the main cereals for this season is about 34 million quintals, i.e. a drop of 67% compared to the previous crop year which recorded an exceptional performance of 103.2 million quintals, explains the ministry of Agriculture...

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