Capitalisme familial
Capitalisme familial Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 28/06/2024

Elles ont tout pour plaire, mais elles déplaisent. Les entreprises familiales sont celles qui traînent la plus mauvaise réputation au Maroc. Le «... + Lire la suite...

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Saving irrigation water: 2,000 hectares to be covered by the end of the year

Par Aziz DIOUF | Edition N°:6790 Le 21/06/2024 | Partager

The second and final tranche of the national irrigation water saving program, to be deployed over 25,000 hectares in Loukkos and Doukkala-Abda areas, is drawing to a close. According to the African Development Bank (AfDB), which is financing the program, 23,000 hectares representing 81% of the program have already been covered, out of the target initially set, when the program was launched in early August 2017.

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