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Social: programs Indicators in green territory, according to AfDB

Par Aziz DIOUF | Edition N°:6787 Le 14/06/2024 | Partager

Implementation of the program to generalize social coverage is going well. This is confirmed by the African Development Bank in its latest program evaluation report, following a mission to the Kingdom last March.


In 2023, 1,455 VSEs (Very Small Enterprises) in the informal sector benefited from the “Ana Moukawil” program’s awareness-raising services

According to the document, all output indicators have been achieved, except one. In terms of “ management efficiency ”, the initial and amending employment program for the Social protection and cohesion support fund (Fonds d’appui à la protection sociale et à la cohésion sociale) has been drawn up, validated and implemented.

The amount allocated is 10 billion dirhams (USD 1 billion) for the 2023 financial year, as was the case in 2022, with the aim of financing the various social programs underway, as well as the social protection generalization aspects. Revenues generated by measures introduced in the Finance Acts since 2021 have been allocated to the fund, with a view to ensuring the sustainability of its resources. These measures include the social solidarity contribution on profits and income; the introduction of the Domestic Consumption Tax (TIC) on tires, including those mounted on wheel rims; the TIC tax applicable to articles, appliances and equipment powered by electricity; and the TIC tax applicable to electronic appliances and vehicle batteries. The provisioning of the special account for social protection and social cohesion at the Treasury is also activated. The decisions to pay into the account for fiscal year 2022 and the fund’s summary situation for fiscal year 2023 are available.

With regard to the “ Better integration of non-graduates who lost their jobs during Covid-19 ” program, the AfDB reports that indicators are also in green territory. Notably since the publication of the Head of Government’s circular dated March 6, 2023, which defined the components of the Awrach 2 program, as well as the beneficiary categories, the benefits granted, the approach and governance of implementation; and the online publication of the guide to procedures on the website of the National Social Security Fund (Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale, CNSS). Since then, a total of 103,097 jobs have been created under Awrach 2, including 81,754 jobs thanks to provisional worksites at territorial level, and 21,343 jobs thanks to provisional worksites at national level. With regard to the “ Promotion of entrepreneurial initiatives and the development of SMEs for greater inclusiveness ”, everything is also going very well, according to the AfDB. In 2023, 1,455 VSEs in the informal sector benefited from the awareness-raising services of the “ Ana Moukawil ” program.