Rattrapés par le fisc
Rattrapés par le fisc Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 03/01/2025

L’amnistie sur le cash a pris fin. Elle a permis de générer de nouvelles recettes, tout en permettant à des milliers de personnes de se... + Lire la suite...

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Unlawful gains: Debate rekindled

Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi | Edition N°:6710 Le 23/02/2024 | Partager

The PJD parliamentary group is putting the fight against unlawful gains back on the table. A bill to this effect has been tabled in Parliament. It has been submitted to the Justice Committee of the House of Representatives. Even if this initiative has virtually no chance of success, as the PJD has a small grouping in the opposition, it at least has the merit of reigniting the debate on strengthening the system for tracking down unlawful gains racked up by elected representatives, public officials, etc.

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