Tour d’ivoire
Tour d’ivoire Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 24/02/2025

Avec son style disruptif, son cynisme d’Etat pratiqué à l’extrême et son pragmatisme à toute épreuve, Trump II tantôt fascine, tantôt fait peur. Le dirigeant de... + Lire la suite...

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Netflix, Amazon...: VAT on digital services is coming

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6705 Le 16/02/2024 | Partager

Persons and entities not residing in Morocco and providing remote services will have to identify themselves to the tax authorities, declare sales made in Morocco and pay the tax due. This change introduced by the Finance Law 2024 brings Morocco into line with international standards. Services purchased from platforms such as Netflix and Amazon, as well as from companies producing gaming applications, are affected.

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