Victimes collatérales
Victimes collatérales Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 21/05/2024

Certaines décisions sont dures à prendre, mais restent incontournables pour redresser des situations intenables. La décompensation du gaz... + Lire la suite...

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Martin Scorsese returns to Marrakech

Par Amine BOUSHABA | Edition N°:6589 Le 01/09/2023 | Partager

A familiar face in Morocco and at the Marrakech International Film Festival (FIFM), Martin Scorsese is back for his sixth appearance at the event. The American filmmaker will be in the ochre city from November 24 to December 2 to take part in the 20th edition. With this in mind, Scorsese has agreed to be the patron of the sixth edition of Ateliers de l’Atlas, the festival’s industrial program dedicated to talents from the region.

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