Batailles Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 27/12/2024

Depuis quelques jours, les discussions s’enflamment autour des grandes orientations de la nouvelle Moudawana. C’est un sujet qui ravive les passions et suscitent des... + Lire la suite...

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Medical emergencies in dire straits

Par Khadija SKALLI | Edition N°:6544 Le 23/06/2023 | Partager

«The situation of medical emergencies in Morocco is worrying and alarming «. These are the remarks of Ahmed Reda Chami, president of the Economic, Social, and Environmental Council (CESE), who took the floor during a meeting held on Wednesday June 21, 2023 for the presentation of a study on the dysfunctions in the management of medical emergencies at the national level.

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