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                Weekly highlights

          Declarations on terms of payment

          1st countdown

          T      HE first implementation of                                                                           dating from the 3rd quarter that have
                                                                                                                      not been paid on time or have been
                 the law on payment deadlines,
                                                                                                                      partially paid, until all outstanding
                 which fell due on Tuesday Oc-
          tober 31, lived up to all its promises.                                                                     amounts have been settled (see L’Eco-
          The operation resulted in 4,700 decla-                                                                      nomiste # 6629 of 30/10/2023). The
          rations via the Simpl platform of the                                                                       same exercise will have to be carried
          General Tax Directorate (DGI). All the                                                                      out for 4th quarter (and 3rd quarter)
          targeted entities that had exceeded the                                                                     arrears no later than January 31, 2024.
          legal threshold complied with the obli-                                                                     Taxpayers will need to be particularly
          gation to file. Of the declarations filed,                                                                  vigilant when it comes to invoices. In
          1,600 were accompanied by payment                                                                           fact, «unbilled deliveries, which are
          of the corresponding financial penalty.                                                                     the subject of a simple delivery note,
          This brings the total amount of fines                                                                       should be monitored in particular, as
          paid online to 130 million Dirhams                                                                          the risk of oversight is higher in this
          (US 13 million). This represents                                                                            case, especially as, in the absence of
          consolidated outstanding payments                                                                           these supporting documents, these de-
          of around 4.3 billion Dirhams (US   The appointment of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) as the main administrator of the law  liveries are not yet integrated into the
          430 million) for the period from July   on payment deadlines is a real revolution and should generate a quantum leap in improving the   accounts, especially for non-compute-
          to the end of September 2023 alone,   business climate (Photo by L’Economiste)                              rized entities», recommends Soufyane
          bearing in mind that the amount of the   issued between July 01 and September   size of national businesses and the  Aboukad, chartered accountant, par-
          fine is not uniform. It stands at 3% for   30, are concerned. The new legislation   economic fabric in general.  tner at SAB Consulting and former
          the first month of delay, increased by   on payment terms targets companies   The next declaration covers invoices  president of the tax and legal com-
          0.85% for each additional month or   with sales in excess of 50 million Di-  with a value of over 10,000 dirhams  mission of the Moroccan Employers
          fraction of a month of delay. Moreo-  rhams (US 5 million) excluding tax,   (incl. tax) issued between October 01  Confederation (CGEM) for the Souss-
          ver, in the first phase, only invoices of   a threshold exceeded by barely 4,700   and December 31, 2023. Taxpayers  Massa region.o
          10,000 Dirhams (US 1,000) incl. VAT,   companies, which is indicative of the   will also have to declare invoices               Hassan EL ARIF

          Self-employed workers: Deductible social security charges

          T      ERE is a little measure that             From now on, everyone                                       tions to continue to benefit from the
                                                                                                                      AMO Tadamon scheme, essentially
                 will certainly please self-em-
                                                                                                                      by persons subject to the AMO TNS
                 ployed workers and freelan-
          cers. As of next year, they will be able           is in the same boat                                      scheme, to November 30, 2023. In
          to deduct social security contribu-                                                                         the case of the AMO TNS scheme
          tions for compulsory health insurance                                                                       in particular, measures have been
          (AMO) and pensions. The provision                               Compulsory Health Insurance                 taken to address the problems posed
          specifically concerns non-salaried                                                                          by the collection of contributions,
          workers subject to income tax under                                                                         through the publication of a decree
          the real or simplified net income                                                                           setting out the model agreements to
          regime. «Currently, sums deducted                                                                           be concluded between the National
          by the owner of a sole proprietorship                                                                       Social Security Fund (CNSS) and
          from his or her accounts as remune-                                                                         public institutions or legal entities
          ration for one’s work are not conside-                                                                      for the delegation of the collection of
          red as expenses deductible from the                                                                         contributions. Similarly, a bill amen-
          taxable base for professional income                                                                        ding law no. 98-15 of June 25, 2017
                                                                                                                      on the AMO TNS scheme is in the
          tax, including expenses relating to      PLF                                                                approval circuit. The aim is to insti-
          one’s social security contributions»,                                                                       tutionalize the conditionality of the
          explains the Ministry of Finance in                                                                         granting of public aid and subsidies
          the note presenting the Finance Law.                                                                        for the benefit of individuals and
          This provision, which would cost    The year 2023 was marked by the     out in particular the conditions for   legal entities subject to the AMO-
          around 90 million Dirhams (USD 9    completion of the body of laws rela-  registration with the scheme and the   TNS scheme, through regularity in
          million), should ensure fairness for   ting to the generalization of compul-  methods of financing it. The same   the payment of contributions and
          all taxpayers. The right to deduct   sory health insurance (AMO). This   applies to the draft decree on basic   introduce a waiting period of three
          social security contributions already   was the case with the enactment of   AMO for people unable to pay their   months for Non-Salaried Workers
          applies to other categories. In any   Law no. 60-22 on the AMO scheme   contributions, known as «AMO Tada-  (TNSs) who settle their situation after
          case, this provision is in line with the   for people who are able to pay their   mon». The year was also marked by   a period of non-payment exceeding
          national strategy to generalize social   contributions and are not engaged in   the publication of a decree extending   6 months.o
          coverage.                           any paid or unpaid activity, setting   the deadline for submitting applica-             Khadija MASMOUDI
                                                                     Friday 10 November 2023
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