Survie Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 21/02/2025

Mais où sont passés nos poissons? A l’instar des humains, la plupart ont migré à la recherche de meilleures conditions de vie. Malgré leurs différences évidentes, les... + Lire la suite...

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May 1st celebration: Trade unions still in marching orders!

Par L'Economiste | Edition N°:6757 Le 03/05/2024 | Partager

It was a message of «solidarity and union» that the UGTM wanted to show at its meeting in Fez. Nizar Baraka and Naam Miyara jointly chaired the meeting, which took place on May 1, 2024 at the Salle du 11 janvier. The UGTM SG insisted on the «institutionalization of social dialogue, now based on logical objectives and tangible results». Without «wishing to defend the actions of the (Government) majority», Miyara noted that «the Government has not bribed the unions, as some would have us believe».

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