Irréfutable Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 16/12/2024

Comme les rapports de Bank Al-Maghrib ou encore du CESE, ceux de la Cour des comptes sont aussi très attendus. Faisant à chaque fois les gros titres, surtout... + Lire la suite...

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Men and women do not share chores!

Par Amine BOUSHABA | Edition N°:6407 Le 09/12/2022 | Partager

There was a time, not so long ago, when men proudly displayed their photos on social networks in front of the stove or performing household chores. It was a time when Mankind, taken aback by an unprecedented health crisis, began to dream of a better and more equitable tomorrow. This commendable attitude only lasted for a small number or years...

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