Skills Future
Skills Future Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 17/02/2025

Le système de formation professionnelle a longtemps été victime de sa réputation: Un circuit parallèle, rattrapant les recalés de l’éducation nationale.... + Lire la suite...

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Mathematics, reading, and science: Moroccan students still at the bottom of the pack

Par Fatim-Zahra TOHRY | Edition N°:6657 Le 08/12/2023 | Partager

Moroccan students (aged 15) scored below the OECD average in mathematics, reading and science. These are the findings of the OECD’s Pisa 2022 survey, unveiled on December 05. Overall, average results were about the same as in 2018 in mathematics, and down on reading and science. Around 6,867 students in 178 schools completed the assessments.

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