Jouteya Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 13/12/2024

C’est l’un des marchés les plus célèbres de Casablanca, avec une réputation au niveau national et international. Derb Ghallef, la jouteya pour les intimes, abrite depuis... + Lire la suite...

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ChatGPT, a major revolution in the world of AI

Par Badr CHAOU | Edition N°:6451 Le 10/02/2023 | Partager

Artificial intelligence is, without question, a major revolution in the world of digital engineering. This technological advance will bring radical changes in almost all sectors, because today it is increasingly rolled out within industrial companies in order to benefit from the advantages this advance provides in terms of saving time, collecting information, and automation of processes, but also is beginning to gain ground in the world of marketing, communication, and writing.

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