Promesse Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 10/05/2024

Cela fait des mois que les universités publiques mobilisent leurs matières grises pour concocter une nouvelle offre de formation. Pour cette rentrée de septembre, ce sera... + Lire la suite...

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Tourism: Skilled people leave the flagship

Par Badra BERRISSOULE | Edition N°:6329 Le 19/08/2022 | Partager

WHERE have the national skilled people of the tourism industry gone, particularly those who used to work in hotels and restaurants? In Marrakech, as in the rest of the country, there is a lack of manpower among many tourism players. In hotels and restaurants, the situation is even more critical. Landlords are under pressure in the face of summer holidays, the autumn/winter season, the most important tourist period, which is approaching and during which demand will further increase the tension...

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