Irréfutable Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 16/12/2024

Comme les rapports de Bank Al-Maghrib ou encore du CESE, ceux de la Cour des comptes sont aussi très attendus. Faisant à chaque fois les gros titres, surtout... + Lire la suite...

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Decarbonization: A decisive shift

Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi | Edition N°:6242 Le 15/04/2022 | Partager

MOROCCO wants to nego­tiate the decarbonization shift. The new requirements that will be applied from next year to exports to the European market, as well as environmental constraints, require companies to adapt themselves to this dynamic, despite fears that a low-car­bon economy is synonymous with “decrease”. This is what emerges from the meeting organized last Tuesday, in partnership with the Morocco-France Business Leaders Club. This approach is also “essential in the face of the soa­ring prices of energy products”, indica­ted the president of the CGEM.

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