«Hold-up» Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 09/05/2024

Comment mobiliser le plein potentiel fiscal? C’est l’un des principaux enjeux pour les prochaines années. Car cela permettra de dégager de nouvelles ressources, pouvant... + Lire la suite...

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Higher risks for businesses in 2022?

Par Franck FAGNON | Edition N°:6197 Le 11/02/2022 | Partager

The tsunami may have been avoided thanks to support measures, but business failures have surpassed the 10,000 mark in 2022, reaching 10,556 bankruptcies according to Inforisk. This figure incorporates a catch-up effect, with bankruptcies in 2020 being abnormally low due to the lockdown and the low activity withing the commercial courts and due to the stimulus generated by the economic watch committee’s measures...

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