Des grands, des petits et des anonymes!
Des grands, des petits et des anonymes! Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 27/09/2024

Avec la nouvelle stratégie numérique 2030, le Maroc ambitionne de devenir une «startup nation». Un axe... + Lire la suite...

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Tourism: Marrakech makes up for lost time

Par Badra BERRISSOULE | Edition N°:6324 Le 12/08/2022 | Partager

Despite the strong heat of July, Marrakech attracts international and domestic tourists. The destination continues on its upward trend in terms of arrivals and overnight stays. The clubs record occupancy rates of more than 80%, while in the other categories, this rate ranges between 50 and 60%. In the eyes of tourism professionals and in particular hoteliers, the occupancy rate is the true indicator of the health of tourism in Marrakech...

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