Bonne gouvernance
Bonne gouvernance Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 03/06/2024

Le Conseil des ministres, tenu samedi dernier à Casablanca, a mis en valeur les fondamentaux de la bonne gouvernance. D’abord par l’approbation des... + Lire la suite...

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Inflation continues to ease

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6647 Le 24/11/2023 | Partager

Food prices continue to soar. Their price index rose by 8.8% in October compared with the same period last year. A trip to the supermarkets and souks reveals the price of fruit and vegetables in particular. Statistics from the High Commissioner’s Office for Planning (HCP) show nevertheless that growth in the food component of inflation has slowed gradually since last March, from +20.1% year-on-year to +10.4% in August 2023.

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